Jimmy Bryant, founder of AtomicChild, was born and raised on a small farm in South Dakota, where he grew up surrounded by nature and exposed to the freedom of creativity. Inspired by the 1980s pop-art style of artist Keith Haring, Jimmy’s interests quickly evolved as he developed his own minimalist style featuring bold outlines and bright colors. He initially brought his artistic ideas to life through the use of pencil and paper, and today his skills allow him to create in an entirely digital environment, proving that technology and art have the ability to enhance one another.

Jimmy has been creating art and developing his specific style for most of his life, ultimately leading to the birth of the AtomicChild brand when he was a college student in his early 20s. Over the years, AtomicChild has grown to great success and Jimmy’s designs have been featured on, and sold by major brands in the outdoor recreation industry, such as Nalgene and REI. AtomicChild and Socksmith partnered in 2019 to create premium, high-quality socks encapsulating beautiful landscapes that can be appreciated by all nature lovers, to be worn outdoors and indoors alike.